Cities along
Latitude 40° with Torlerance Band of +-5 degree
The latitude
coordinates of every place mentioned as below
Grand Est, France –
48.6998° N
Bergamo, Italy –
45.6983° N
Tehran, Iran –
35.6892° N
Wuhan, China –
30.5928° N
Daegu, South Korea
– 35.8714° N
Hokkaidō, Japan –
43.2203° N
Seattle, US –
47.6189° N
Washington, US –
47.7511° N
New York, US –
40.7128° N
The following location describes the location, suitability and survival of Corona Virus depending upon the few major following reasons Out of Many reasons
1. Optimal Temperature 20 degree +- 3 degree Band
2. Latitude--- Northern hemisphere is colder the South-en in the Month of Feb----April.
3.Non-Avoiding the Social Distancing.
4.Wind- Pressure in the region for Transfusion
5. Migration of Person from the One effective to Another effective zone (Including Goods and Services"Heaving involvement of Humans")-----depending upon the biological adaptability of those regions.
In fact, observations show that the transient
planetary scale flow amplitude is comparable to that of the time-mean. As a
result, monthly mean charts tend to smooth out the actual structure of the
instantaneous jet stream since the position and intensity of the jet vary.
Thus, at any time the planetary scale flow in the region of the jet stream has
much greater baroclinicity than indicated on time-averaged charts. This point
is illustrated schematically in Figure 6.4, which shows a latitude–height cross-section through an
observed jet stream over North America. Figure 6.4a shows the zonal wind and potential temperature, whereas Figure
6.4b shows the potential temperature and Ertel potential
vorticity. The 2-PVU contour of potential vorticity approximately
marks the tropopause. As illustrated in Figure 6.4a, the axis of the jet stream tends to be located above a
narrow sloping zone of strong potential temperature gradients called the polar-frontal zone. This is the
zone that in general separates the cold air of polar origin from warm tropical
air. The occurrence of an intense jet core above this zone of large-magnitude
potential temperature gradients is, of course, not mere coincidence but rather
a consequence of thermal wind balance.
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